Is a weightlifting spotter necessary for significant muscle growth?

One of the most important bodybuilding concepts for maximum muscle gain is failure, in which a bodybuilder takes a certain weight training exercise to the point where further repetitions are no longer possible, and this requires some form of Spotted on various exercises, especially those that involve the chest and legs, many choose to enlist […]

Discover the 5 best lower body exercises for MMA fighters

MMA fighters must have a constant focus on lower body training. It is a crucial aspect of your success. Strength, power and speed are huge skills needed in the kick game for fighters. These are all things that can be trained! Too many wrestlers train the wrong way when they approach lower body training. Most […]

Keto Low Carb Fast Food Menu Options: How to Eat Successfully at Restaurants

For those who eat low carb or keto diets, there is almost always something to eat at every restaurant or fast food place. Plan ahead. Before entering a restaurant, check its menu and nutritional information online at home or using your smartphone. It’s always good to be aware of safe options before being tempted by […]

Competitive bodybuilder inspires self-improvement

Josh Wade’s new book “Becoming a Stronger Person” is bound to be a hit with both male and female readers alike. In addition to telling his personal story of how he became an accomplished competitive and professional bodybuilder, Wade provides inspirational and practical advice on how to live life to his fullest potential, increasing his […]