Advances in assistive technology offer a new wave of possibilities for your child with special needs

Technology has a way of slipping from the sci-fi past into the present like Michael J. Fox’s Delorean in “Back to the Future.” Remember those sliding doors in Star Trek on the USS Enterprise? We take them for granted now. And every time I see someone open a cell phone and talk to someone, I […]

Dating Tips: How to Flirt and Attract Conservative Asian Women

Here are THREE easy tips to do if you want to flirt and attract your Asian woman without blowing it. I strongly encourage you to make this a long term plan because the miracle advice that every other dating coach gives will not work. Conservative women don’t really budget that easily, HOWEVER Here are some […]

Tonsillitis Treatments – How To Cure Tonsillitis

Tonsils? What’s that? If you’re like most people, you’ve probably never heard of tonsils. Tonsillith, or “tonsil stones”, are collections of various materials bound together in the tonsils. This matter is mainly made up of food particles, dead cells, and oral bacteria that can form hardened white balls and cause bad breath. You may have […]

What is the best place to live in the United States?

People ask that question very often. The answer will be different for each person, since it depends on the needs and objectives that each person has. If you have strong family relationships and enjoy spending time with your friends and family, you might think twice about moving hundreds or even thousands of miles away. Also, […]