Most despised American foods

This list is a compilation of surveys, online searches, and grocery store sales in the U.S. of what Americans despise, to put it bluntly, and not necessarily the author’s, though you agree with several of the inputs:

Brussels sprouts: America’s number one despised food, mushy, smelly (can you spell “feet”?) And disgusting; one wonders why it appears so frequently on restaurant menus and as an important vegetable during the holidays; (this author’s most despised food, you can’t even look at them in the produce section)

Garlic: for many, the smell is too raw and raw, it gives them a stomachache; frequently abused for consuming too much, although most Italians cannot understand the concept of “too much garlic”;

Cheese Fondue – Dairy and white wine abuse, sticky, stringy and too troublesome (why not go for a wonderfully sticky grilled cheese sandwich and drink the wine that is usually part of the ingredients);

Tofu – soft, strange texture and generally associated only with vegetarians;

Celery: too much work, all that chewing, useless filler, as well as too spicy for the nose; What is the point? ruins a perfectly good chicken salad;

Oysters – slimy and disgusting, eaten raw make many people shudder; even baked or stewed, its strange texture is not a winner;

Mayonnaise – sticky, greasy, tasteless, and disgusting in every way (try Miracle Whip, which mayonnaise lovers find disgusting);

Mushrooms: your basic mushroom or poisonous mushroom, and too tasteless;

Licorice – blackens your tongue, tastes terrible and who needs it; (the author doesn’t like this one either, but he liked it as a kid, so go figure)

Cilantro – An improved version of parsley, famous chef Ina Garten despises; “How bad can it be?” (apparently pretty bad)

Turnips and parsnips – mushy, they taste terrible no matter what you do to them; (the author has to agree with these two)

Blue Cheese – Spicy, moldy, and very spicy, it ruins any respectable salad;

Liver – just gross in every way, even topped with roasted onions can’t help;

Anchovies: disgusting salty, hairy fish; destroy a good pizza; (the author wholeheartedly agrees)

Broccoli: Former President George HW Bush famously made his extreme aversion to this vegetable; smells bad when cooked, boring when raw, no amount of cheese sauce or ranch dressing helps;

Lima beans – soft, tasteless and always overcooked;

Sushi – raw fish – say no more;

So what tops your Most Disdained Foods hit parade? Everyone has several. Some people have a lot. Many of us adore certain foods the first time we try them, regardless of our age. Other times, several exhibitions or preparations were necessary to conquer us. But for most of us, we are fortunate to have the ability to choose. What’s in your fridge?

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