10 dirty fruits and vegetables!

So before you hit the grocery store, see how some of your favorite fruits and vegetables stack up.

Did any of your favorites make the list? Don’t worry, the EWG recommends buying organic or locally grown varieties, which can reduce pesticide intake by 80% compared to conventionally grown produce.

This stalked veggie tops the dirty list. Research showed that a single stalk of celery had 13 pesticides, while in total, celery contained up to 67 pesticides.

Chemicals rot in this vegetable as it does not have a protective skin and its stems hollow inward, making it difficult to wash the entire surface of the stem. Locally grown celery isn’t easy to find, so if you like this crunchy veggie, go organic.

Peaches are mixed with 67 different chemicals, placing them second on the list of most contaminated fruits and vegetables. They have soft, furry skin, a delicate build, and a high susceptibility to most pests, causing them to spray more frequently.

This red, juicy fruit has a smooth, seeded skin, allowing for easier absorption of pesticides. The research showed that strawberries contained 53 pesticides. Try buying strawberries at a local farmers market for a sweet dessert.

Apples are high maintenance fruits and they need a lot of pesticides to prevent mold, pests and diseases. The EWG found 47 different types of pesticides on apples, and while produce washes can help remove some of the residue, they are not 100% effective.

Blueberries (domestic)
These antioxidant-rich berries have a thin layer of skin that allows chemicals to more easily contaminate the fruit. Domestic blueberries were loaded with 13 pesticides in a single sample, according to the EWG. Imported blueberries also ranked 14th for dirtiest products.

Sweet pepper
This crisp but thin-skinned vegetable is very susceptible to pesticides. According to the EWG, bell peppers showed traces of 63 types of pesticides. While some pesticides can be washed, many remain.

Spinach, kale, collard greens
These leafy greens make the list, with spinach loaded with 45 different types of pesticides and kale 57.

In 2006, Dole recalled bagged baby spinach after multiple E. coli diseases associated with the vegetable spread across the country.

Grapes (imported)
These small fruits have extremely thin skin, which allows easy absorption of pesticides. And think twice before buying imported wine. The grapes used in the wine could come from vineyards that use too many pesticides.

Have you ever indulged in a potato skin at your favorite restaurant? You may want to think twice before eating the skin. This potato was heavily mixed with pesticides – 36, according to the EWG – that are necessary to prevent pests and diseases.

Cherries, like blueberries, strawberries, and peaches, have a thin layer of skin, which is often not enough to protect the fruit from harmful pesticides.

The research showed that cherries grown in the US had three times more pesticides than imported cherries. Because cherries contain ellagic acid, an antioxidant that neutralizes carcinogens, they are worth buying organic or looking for imported ones.

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