2010 – The importance of identifying your personal achievements and goal planning

Everyone is thinking about their “New Years Resolutions”.

What if this year was the year you actually KEPT all your resolutions and achieved your goals?

Well hold on to your hat. Because if you plan your goals and work your plan, you can do exactly that!

Creating and identifying your personal accomplishments is important to your business. Goals will help you stay motivated and help you break what can be a daunting task into small, manageable steps.

Here are some simple tips to help you create your own personal success plan for 2010:

#1 – Set your goals. Keeping track of your goals is important. You may want to start by recording all your goals in one place where you can easily keep track of them. Provide your goals with estimated dates of achievement and reward yourself as you mark your successes.

Tracking your goals in this way will help keep you motivated and moving in the right direction. Experts agree that we’re more likely to stick to our plans if we have well-thought-out, specific goals that we’re aiming for. Charting your goals helps you do that.

#2 – Overcome your obstacles. We all have road blogs that we need to find a way to avoid. In business, it may be balancing your family life with work, or perhaps taking advantage of the time to build your business around your full-time job. Whatever your current situation, it can be helpful to write down your obstacles along with a resolution plan to help you overcome them.

If family or close friends are part of the obstacles, talk to them and come to an agreement on how to create a win-win situation. With your goals actually achieved, usually many more people than you will win. Be part of the “rewards” for the prices paid for your discipline to act and complete your plans.

For example, if you have very little time to build your business, write a realistic plan to stay on track. Make sure you have agreement within your family to support your plans. Enroll them in your process. Even if you only have four hours a week, it’s much more realistic to write that down than to aim for ten hours and end up disappointed.

#3 – Celebrate your successes. Little and big. Both are equally important. Many of us have goals that we strive for, but many times we only celebrate our great achievements. However, it’s important to celebrate the small successes as much as the big ones. Everything leads to the same end.

#4 – Get a responsible partner. A coach, a friend, a family member, but someone who supports you and cares that you achieve the planned achievements. It’s funny how often we’re better at getting things done because of other people’s expectations than our own. The Accountability Partner helps you stay on track, ideally week by week. Just make sure you choose a partner who wants your success, as some are critical, skeptical, critical, or even saboteurs of your biggest dreams. So, trust who you’re sharing with!

#5 – Chop things up. A good way to do this is to have smaller and larger goals. Then record your progress and identify all your accomplishments, big or small. It is always easier to eat the elephant one bite at a time, rather than choking and giving up the biggest pieces.

Taking the time to celebrate your big and small accomplishments will give you a sense of accomplishment that can help you tackle your bigger goals more quickly. You can celebrate with small gifts, like buying that bag you’ve wanted for months, treating yourself to a day spa, or going out for a celebratory dinner. It doesn’t really matter how you celebrate as long as you recognize a job well done.

And remember, goals change. It’s like reaching a goal. When one career ends, another begins when it’s something you’re passionate about. The planning, tracking, and accountability achievement pieces are just good practices to keep you ahead of your desires!

For his greatest success in 2010!

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