A small penis and anal sex – The smallest guy has the "larger" Chance

The magnificence of two-person sex has endless opportunities to explore, enjoy, and give and share pleasure between partners (or even more partners if that’s what floats the boat for you!). Guys with small penises are put off by their lack of “size,” but often don’t realize that their size is a gift they have yet to properly unwrap.

“Size Matters.” Of course she does. And again, she doesn’t. It just depends on your point of view and perspective. Some prefer big and some prefer small. The problem is that some men, and women too, get sucked into the idea that a man with a small penis is an unsuitable lover. It really is the most playful thing I’ve ever heard in my life.

Sex encompasses such a vast and enormous buffet that it is laughable to think that the size of a man can prevent him from taking full advantage of filling his plate, or that of his lover; with nothing more than an orgiastic feast that excites and stimulates every available nerve ending and sense. The best buffet there is, really. A sex buffet.

But the man with the small penis is psychologically programmed, many times, to believe that he cannot participate in this party properly. Consider a small serving of Beluga Caviar and some chilled Ukrainian Horilka (Vodka). You don’t need much of any of these to enjoy one of the best culinary experiences of your life. The same with a small penis. It is not always the size that counts, but the quality of what you are “consuming”.

Men, if you have a smaller than average penis, consider that many women experience pain when having vaginal intercourse with a large man. What a horrible thought: hurting your lover during an experience that should be beautiful and loving.

Let’s not forget anal sex. Most women are curious about anal sex, but most are terrified of trying it with a man with a huge penis. After all, the rectum is an organ that relies on purging material. Unlike the vagina, it was not specifically designed for material to be inserted. Where the vagina is quite elastic, the rectum is not. However, the anus has an incredible number of nerve endings and is quite receptive during intercourse for the generation of pleasure. But, anal sex can cause the internal and external sphincter to tear and create infection and damage. A man with a smaller penis is more likely to be able to have anal sex with his partner and not cause him much pain, tearing, bleeding, or discomfort. In this situation, it is clear that the man with the smaller penis has the advantage if he and his partner want to explore this particular alley of sexual exploration.

Guys, no matter what your size, indulge in Life’s sex buffet and make the most of You and Your Lover’s Meal.

If one is interested in serious penis enlargement without the rehash of the same old, read IRON MAN’S PENIS – THE RUSSIAN SYSTEM.


George von Neumann

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