Advantages of a canister vacuum

The two most popular types of vacuum cleaners are upright and canister. While both will do a good job of cleaning your home, each has its own set of advantages over the other. Depending on your situation, you may prefer one type of these vacuum cleaners to the other. Here we’ll focus on the features of canister vacuums and why homeowners prefer them over the equally popular upright vacuums.

Probably the biggest advantage a boat will have is its versatility. Canisters are great for cleaning just about any type of floor, including hardwood, vinyl, tile, and of course carpet. The head is very light, so the brushes are not pushed hard onto the floor. This means that delicate materials like hardwood will not be damaged by the high-speed rotating brushes. Your rugs will also be less likely to be damaged by vacuuming, since the fibers are not as affected by a container. Sure some of the upright vacuums have the ability to turn off their spinning brushes, but they won’t be as effective without the spin and are still heavier to move.

Another great advantage of a canister vacuum has to do with the lightweight head. The head is connected to a hose, making it very easy to clean under, over, and on top of many items in your home. You can easily vacuum under beds, on stairs and on top of furniture without changing a thing. You can quickly transition from one type of flooring to another, as well as seamlessly move around and over the many things in your home. This is a huge selling point and one of the main reasons they are so popular today.

As for general cleaning capabilities, you won’t find much of a difference between an upright and a bin. Both styles can come equipped with the latest in HEPA filtration, to remove up to 99% of all harmful allergens from your home. Top-of-the-line canister vacuums, like Miele, have very high suction without making a lot of noise. You can literally vacuum your house while your kids sleep in a nearby room. This is a far cry from the vacuum cleaners of just a few years ago. Technology has come a long way in a short time.

Before you decide if a canister is the right type of vacuum for your home, you should compare its top features to some of the verticals in your price range. If you can, try a couple of each to see which is best. Consider a vacuum cleaner as an investment that will last for many years. The more research you do, the better your chances of finding the right one.

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