Cancer, Compassion and Gravitational Force – An Open Address to the United Nations Secretariat

Medical science has made compassionate discoveries, such as providing anesthetics to banish the pain of surgery. Now there are important new discoveries for the betterment of the human condition. At the same time, millions of people are fleeing religious terrorism around the world. Since this concerns human health, the problem comes under the auspices of a medical science. However, such a science cannot solve this problem until it is capable of addressing a new awareness of the psychological nature of human mathematical intention. Mainstream Western science has led civilization to become obsessed with a pathological aspect of mathematical thinking. However, the mind can now be shown to encompass two aspects of mathematical thought, one compassionate and the other completely cancerous, directly related to the trauma of cancerous growth and development. Quantum entanglement to guide optimal evolutionary consciousness is about biological information energies interacting with chaos energies, as proposed by the 1939 Nobel Prize in Medicine Svent-Giorgyi.

In his second book on his theory of evolution entitled ‘The Rise of Man’, Charles Darwin noted that the existence of human compassion was pronounced. So much so that within placid societies compassion could be associated with the fate of human evolution. Darwin, like most other scholars, educated in the realms of Western science, was completely unaware that Isaac Newton had published his theory that gravity caused the evolution of universal emotional consciousness. This is an infallible argument. It is confirmed in Newton’s Query Discussions No. 28 published in his second English edition of Opticks. Newton derived this theory from ancient Greek science that associated the gravitational force with a universal demiurge to spew life force into the cosmic egg.

This concept was borrowed from ancient Egyptian theories of creation, in which atomic mathematical purpose pertained to the ethical functioning of an infinite living universe. Compassion was a crucial behavioral concept that, in the Second Kingdom, was conflated with political law. The Greek geometer Thales and the mathematician Pythagoras studied Egyptian ethical political mathematics at Thebes, and their work led to the invention of ethical science in third-century BCE Greece. c.

Compassion is now central to the science of quantum biology as an infinite fractal logic governing the evolution of emotional awareness, and it can now be defined in new scientific terms. The quantum physics of nanotechnology has been used to examine the properties of Dr. Candace Pert’s discovery of the emotion molecule. This molecule constantly improves the health of cell evolution so that the DNA of newborn children evolves, to better cope with their generational environmental changes. This compassionate function affects the future of the human species, not identifiable with the primitive and violent animal behavior of the past of immature sexual emotion. Darwin considered this animal behavior to ensure the survival of the fittest, yet virtually all past life on Earth has gone extinct. The concept of compassionate human survival needs to be critically examined scientifically, as it relates to human evolution within a multidimensional universe. However, the practical ability to do this is beyond the scientific expertise of those who can only define universal compassion in terms of yesterday’s separatist religious convictions. In times past, such quantum evolutionary leaps resulted in hatred, fear, and unimaginable psychotic violence, as history has clearly recorded.

In 1969, the American Psychological Association in Washington explored the idea of ​​an evolving consciousness, inspiring Julian Jaynes to write his controversial book ‘The Origin of Consciousness in the Collapse of the Bicameral Mind’, published in 1979. Jaynes argued in his book that a bicameral mindset, a separation between the rational and the intuitive aesthetic mind, was a normal state of human mindset just 3000 years ago. Throughout the 21st century, assessments of his book by neurological researchers have given sustainable biological credibility to his theories of the human evolutionary process.

Julian Jaynes wrote about the early evolutionary process associated with linking both cognitive aspects of the human mind. The placid peoples living in Mesopotamia remembered the familiar guidance of the deceased eminent elders as voices in their minds, regarding them as the voices of loving gods. In other tribes, who had invented things like mathematics and cuneiform, people began to lose this benign and comforting form of schizophrenia and made idols to replace primitive consciousness. The priests, claiming to know the will of such idols, despised people with a placid character and generated fanatical hatred towards them.

Anatolian refugees, seeking freedom from invasion, were so widespread in 1200 B.C. C. that the vast Hittite empire collapsed. The most powerful king in central Assyria, Tiglath-Pileser I, impaled thousands of passive people, as well as enslaving many refugees, sentencing them to government policies of the cruelest nature imaginable. The king had images recorded depicting this horrible death by slow torture of non-violent people. Likewise, in 1600, Giordano Bruno was imprisoned, tortured, and then burned alive by the Roman Catholic Church in Rome for teaching on the lost ancient Greek concept of gravity at Oxford University. Newton suffered a mental breakdown after being similarly threatened by the church in England, after daring to publish about this lost Greek concept of gravitation.

The only mathematical logic that supports Newton’s gravitational concept of the evolution of emotion is infinite fractal logic. At present, it can be considered a crime against humanity that our prevailing scientific culture continues to deny that infinite logic can be linked to the process of life. It is no longer acceptable for science to continue to define compassion in terms governed by a physical law that demands the eventual destruction of all life in the universe. Albert Einstein’s genius can now be immortalized beyond the limits of this ‘universal law of death by heat’ which he incorrectly considered to be the main law of all science.

Some scientists are now beginning to realize that as science evolves, it must embrace the energies of compassionate evolution, if civilization is to avoid extinction. The original pagan Platonic Greek science was specifically dedicated to preventing such extinction, which was mathematically linked to their definition of ultimate chaos as a property of formless matter within the physical atom. Although it is normal for some species of animals to fight to the death for a chance to mate, this does not ensure infinite evolution. Now it is necessary for humanity to free itself from what can be described as a primitive religious mentality that compels it to worship the terrible and ancient gods of destructive chaos.

The optimal growth and development of seashells has been measured across space-time to use an invisible mechanical force about which current science has no general understanding. This knowledge must become common logic within a medical science as soon as possible. Deeply ingrained fixed religious emotions, threatened by the evolutionary process that redefines the concept of spiritual reality, are extremely volatile. Backlash will only subside when the new omnitechnology is capable of providing genuine and evident benefits to the entire global human condition. Various tribes on earth are now being forced by the millions to blend in with global humanity, causing untenable living conditions due to religious disregard for any omniscience and technology that can easily cope with such a situation. The entire global economic system continues to promote international debt slavery, based on the prevailing logic of the law of heat death that has sentenced humanity to extinction.

Last century, to discredit the philosophy of the Nazi Third Reich and that of empty religious dogma, the Nobel laureate mathematician Lord Bertrand Russell pointed out that both were basically meaningless and that a more loving social system should emerge to replace them. . Russell’s most famous essay was entitled “A Free Man’s Worship” and argued that Einstein’s chief law of all sciences, the universal law of heat death, should be the foundation of social welfare. However, this inadvertent idea remains a death cult. Russell’s pleasure-seeking philosophy made him the leading proponent of the cult of free love in Britain, resulting in the particularly sordid result of three marriages collapsing.

Babylonian culture arose as a materialistic culture, in which priests used their finite mathematical knowledge to predict eclipses in order to terrorize the population. Egyptian culture, on the other hand, developed an infinite atomic mathematics, which later became the basis of the Platonic ethical government theory in Greece.

During the 1800s, the champion of American democracy, Ralph Waldo Emerson, used infinite mathematical logic in Sanskrit, which allowed evolution to be an infinite biological process, to point out that American culture had inherited the Babylonian mechanical ethos to sink people into economic slavery. The concept of American democratic liberty, taken from a limited understanding of ancient Greek political philosophy, was declared by Alexander Hamilton, during the formation of the Constitution of the United States of America, to be based on the false assumption that the theory of Newton’s gravity referred to the workings of a mechanical universe.

Aristotle envisioned a science to guide an ennobling government for the health of the universe so that civilization would not be destroyed. That medical science, based on compassionate mathematics, represents a new form of cancer research, in which medical scientists can embrace the concept of mathematical infinity. Georg Cantor, considered the greatest mathematician in history, referred to Aristotle’s theory as the meaning of ‘the pursuit of happiness’ mentioned in the Constitution of the United States of America. Cantor wrote that the denial of this mathematical concept was a myopic fear of infinity that inhabits the modern scientific mind.

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