Creating a Manifestation Vision Board

A powerful tool discussed in “The Secret” was the use of a vision board. If you are not familiar with this term, my intention is that by the time you have read this article you will be familiar with the term and also have clearer ideas about whether or not you want to create one.

There are many different names for this tool and they all have the same meaning. You may have heard it called by a different name, such as a dream board or a manifestation poster. Whatever name is given to it, it is a tool to help you manifest your desires.

So let’s first discuss how you can make one.

The first step is to create a vision board, and in my opinion the easiest way is to start by writing a list of what you want.

If you don’t know what you want, make a list of what you don’t want. By knowing what you don’t want, you can easily see the polar opposite and turn it into a desire. For example:

I don’t want stacks of bills >> becomes >> I want endless streams of money

I don’t want to be without a relationship >> becomes >> I want a loving and fun partner

I don’t want my old car anymore >> it becomes >> I want a new BMW

The next step is to go to your favorite search engine and type in keywords that relate to your desire. In most search engines there is a feature where you can only search for images, select this feature and it will display images related to your search term.

Carefully choose some images that appeal to you and make sure they are images that really give you great feelings when looking at them.

Once you have your images, print them out, cut them out, and paste them onto your vision board. You can make your vision board from:

  • A large white billboard.
  • Use a bulletin board and pin all your images on it.
  • Stick them directly on your wall.

Positioning is very important now. You want your vision board to be as close to you as possible and in visual range. If you work from home and spend 10 hours a day in your office, then your office is the ideal place to put your vision board. Put it somewhere you look at often.

Here are some examples:

  • behind your monitor
  • behind your phone
  • near your trash can
  • next to your printer

I have my vision board right next to me, so when I’m working in my office, I turn my head about 30 degrees and there it is.

Now that you have your vision board, how often should you look at it?

I spend 15 minutes in the morning and 15 minutes at night looking at and visualizing the wishes on my vision board.

This makes me feel great and I often close my eyes and take my vision beyond just looking at an image. I use the images to start my vision and then I extend them to the depths of my desire.

Remember, the purpose of this is to feel good, and so if you look at a picture and it doesn’t feel good, replace it with one that does. It’s a trial and error process, but when done repetitively it can be very powerful. Your vision board should be an ongoing process for you and will never be complete as new desires will keep coming.

You should use your vision board as a “corridor” to remind you to visualize and also to help you remember feelings. It is not meant to be the ultimate tool you should use to manifest. Many deliberate creators choose not to use vision boards and are just as successful. My advice is that if it sounds good to you, then create one. If you have doubts and you are not that interested, then do not do one.

There are many tools and processes available to you that could be more powerful than a vision board.

The key point in making a vision board is to help you create powerful emotions within yourself. It is those emotions and feelings that are manifesting, not the image on your vision board.

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