Creating Your Own Website – Build Your Own Internet Fort Knox And Work From Home!

Creating Your Own Website – Access The River of Gold and Work From Home!

Doing business on the Internet can be either a richly rewarding venture or a curse on your life. You need to learn how searches are done, how ranking works, what search engines look for, how to drive traffic, how NOT to drive traffic, etc.

Here are 3 tips to help you get started.

Tip #1: Take your time. Don’t be fooled by any of the dozens of get-rich-quick schemes out there that promise you a successful website in a few hours or a few days. Success requires work, patience, skill, and knowledge. A successful website is one that ranks high in search engines. To do this, it requires certain characteristics and qualities. Get informed and educate yourself a bit before you start. Before you know it, you’ll be working from home full time.

Tip #2: You will need a web hosting company. Beware of the claims made by many web hosting companies. The $5.95 special is usually worthless after you’ve found your software difficult to use or the markups that need to be paid before you have a web page that looks halfway decent. Some of them promise SEO (search engine optimization) of your page at no cost. You will get what you paid for. If you’re wondering why your page isn’t ranking highly in search engines, this free service is your first suspect.

Tip #3: You will run into problems quickly as you build your own website. This is normal and good. You are learning. Nothing can be more frustrating than trying to figure out what to do from incomplete instructions or something written by someone for whom English is a second language.

Do you want to create a website that attracts nothing on the web or do you want to take your time and create a properly designed website that is a magnet for free, highly targeted traffic that allows you to work from home?

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