FSBO Seller’s Top Ten Tips for Selling Your Home For Sale By Owner

If you’re thinking of selling your home by owner, congratulations! You are part of a growing trend toward FSBO property sales. If you’re worried that going the FSBO seller route means you’ll miss out on all those great agency sales tactics, you’re wrong. You can do the same things any real estate agent would suggest. To get you started, here is a list of the top ten things you can do for your home when trying to sell it by owner.

1. Create multiple means of exposure. Homes are sold when they are exposed to potential buyers. The more exposure you create, the more likely you are to sell. “Multimedia exposure” means listing it on a FSBO site, providing pictures, walkthroughs, and information that buyers want to know. Advertise your house in the newspaper. Print flyers that list the details of your home and be available to show your home. Some buyers have turned to TV for sale ads on real estate channels to attract buyers. The more exposure you provide, the easier it is to find potential buyers.

2. Clean rooms and closets. A house looks better and looks better when it is not cluttered. Remove magazines, books, furniture, storage items, and things you no longer want. You’ll need to pack all these things before you move in, so why not start early?

3. Repair peeling paint and other minor blemishes. Peeling paint can be a sign of deferred maintenance, poor paint, or water damage. All of these things will turn off a buyer. Putting a fresh coat of paint on your walls and ceilings is easy and inexpensive.

4. Consider the staging and research some ideas on the Internet. Staging is all about making your home visually appealing to potential buyers. It may involve rearranging furniture, renting new furniture, repainting, recarpeting, or a minor redecoration to bring out the best qualities of your home. Staging doesn’t have to break the bank, but a house that looks good sells. Anything you can do to improve the look of your home will help your buyer see your potential.

5. Put a price on the house. Check recent sales in your neighborhood to get an idea of ​​what your home is worth. Don’t overprice your home because its price is substantially higher than other homes in your neighborhood. You won’t be able to sell because overpriced homes, whether it’s Fsbo or MLS, don’t sell. Buyers want to feel like they are getting value for their money. If your home is the most expensive in the area, buyers will focus on finding a comparable home that is priced lower than yours.

6. Always have a yard sign and flyers. When potential buyers visit your neighborhood to view a particular home, they will be looking for other homes that are for sale. If visitors don’t know your home is for sale, you may miss out on potential sales opportunities.

7. Fsbo sellers should create an online listing for their home on the internet and may consider using the FSBO marketing services that are available on the web. The key to selling your home is proper exposure, and your chances of finding a buyer are better when you make it highly visible to potential buyers.

8. Answering your phone is paramount as a Fsbo seller. It sounds simple, but many people who are selling their Fsbo homes miss potential buyers calling to inquire. Make absolutely sure that you or someone else is available to receive calls. Don’t assume an answering machine or voicemail service is enough because many potential buyers won’t leave a message when they call.

9. Spend some time gardening. Making the exterior of a home look attractive and fresh is just as important as making the interior look good. Remove or trim bushings. In the summer, plant attractive flowers, cover beds with wood chips or mulch, and keep things weed-free. Mow the lawn frequently. If you know nothing about landscaping, check with a local nursery, garden club, or even a nearby college with a botanical program. Students are often willing to take on garden projects.

10. Partner with a bank or lender to offer potential sources of financing for prospective buyers. Local banks, credit unions, and mortgage brokers may offer financing deals that can help a buyer get into your home. Provide all visitors with financial information from your local bank or lender when they visit your home. You want to make sure any potential buyers are qualified to purchase the home.

These are just a few of the things you can do to help your home stand out. In today’s market conditions, selling a home is all about price, location, and exposure. If you have these three elements in place, there is no reason to think that you will not sell your home as effectively as any real estate agent.

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