H2O Vehicle – Gas Alternatives

Can you run your vehicle on H2O? Let’s first look at the alternatives to gas. You may have noticed lately that there is a lot of talk about gasoline alternatives to power your car.

The choices that are being embraced by some of the major engine manufacturers – Toyota and Honda to name 2 – are the ability to allow your vehicle to switch between a gas-guzzling engine and an electric motor, without the driver realizing the change. Toyota does this using its patented power splitting device and this system is available on the ever-growing Toyota Prius.

Honda and Toyota offer the driver a method to use gasoline above 30 mph and if their speed falls below this goal, the hydroelectric engines take over. When the car runs on gasoline, it recharges the electric motors, again to help with the environmental impact of driving a car.

Another alternative is NGVs, natural gas vehicles, which are cheaper to build and will give you twice the economy with just a 10% power drop. The big advantage over the hybrid method is that you can convert your own current vehicle professionally for around $ 2000. There may even be tax benefits if this is completed in the first 12 months of the vehicles.

Biodiesel is simply a by-product of soybeans or a vegetable oil, your diesel will accept this product with DO NOT conversion, but your exhaust may smell like fried food from the rear.

Some of the gas alternatives have drawbacks – the hybrid, for example, is not that environmentally friendly when you consider the cradle-to-grave philosophy. What I mean is that the cost of manufacturing, shipping, and disposal makes the cost of this type greater than that of operating a Jeep Cherokee, for example, in the long run.

Can you run your vehicle on H2O? Yes, it can. There are several products on the market today, which will provide you with detailed instructions on how to build a kit yourself, which will use the electrical energy from your 12V battery to separate the h2O into hydrogen and oxygen, the hydrogen is then used as the power source as it is highly explosive (Hindenberg) to power your car alongside your regular gasoline, giving you an instant boost in your mpg, whether your vehicle is gasoline or diesel, so yes, definitely you can run your vehicle on H2O.

You may be thinking, if it is possible to run your vehicle on H2O, why don’t the major automakers do it? It is because they prefer to sell you an alternative to gas like the hybrid system that costs the earth, literally. .

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