How to get a girl to sleep with you: 4 deadly seduction techniques that will turn her on

Seduction must be mastered to perfection before girls truly fall in love with a guy for it. Although becoming an expert in the world of seduction is not that important, you would still have to expend a lot of energy and time to achieve that goal.

A basic but very essential point of seduction would be attraction. After creating some kind of attraction, you have to put a lot of effort to seduce the girl of your choice. There is no way you can seduce a girl unless she feels some kind of attraction to you first. Keep in mind that dating a girl and taking her to bed are two completely different things. Read on to find out the killer tips to make a woman want to go to bed with you super fast …

How to make girls sleep with you: 4 deadly ultra-effective seduction techniques

Deadly Technique No. # 1: create a connection. Seduction revolves around connecting with each other. Try to get a girl’s attention enough that she yearns to be by your side most of the time. While talking and flirting with a girl, keep changing the subject to sexual subjects, so that she gains an unconscious interest in the subject while engaging you at the same time. She should be willing to get into bed with you in no time, as long as you take the first step to do so.

Deadly Technique # 2: Speed ​​up the stimulation. Another seduction trick that you can use to get a girl to bed with you would be to stimulate her from the start and make her think of nothing but sex with you. If you mention sex along with various sexual acts all the time, she will start to think about it and visualize it a lot. Make sure to get him to comment while he fantasizes, though, to get the most out of this deadly technique. She will be excited in no time and won’t be able to say no to anything you ask of her.

Deadly Technique No. # 3: make her think.
Female seduction has a lot to do with getting girls to think about sex, which is why they yearn to jump in with you. One way to make a girl feel like this is by telling you. Unlike the other techniques mentioned above, you should slowly introduce phrases and words related to sex as you speak rather than being too open about it.

It would also be important for the girl to feel safe around you. If you want him to relax more, offer him a massage. Pheromones awaken a girl’s sexual desires in no time.

Deadly Technique No. 4: make him run to you.
If you can wait, let your girl get the whole idea about sex on her own. Don’t rush her, as this could make her think that all you want from her is sex (even if this might be the case). Don’t say anything negative about her or yourself either. Instead, it would be important to have a lot of self-assurance and self-confidence, especially if you want respect from a girl.

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