Inner Vibration: It’s Not About What You Want, It’s About Who You Are

So, who are you? This is not a trick question nor is it intended to insult anyone. Still, the question begs to be answered.

If you don’t know who you are, I mean deep down in the center of your heart, what you want to attract, the life you want to live, the people or person you want to meet, it is very likely that you will pass by because you are not who you need to be.

Most of us say that “we are practicing what we preach” and, for the most part, each and every one of us means just that. When I say that for the most part we mean it when we say that “we are doing what we say”, this is what we believe or tell ourselves that we are doing.

Every step on your way is a step in the right or wrong direction. So what is the right direction and how do we know if we are going in the wrong direction?

In my way of understanding things and their operation, the correct path is the one that you are passionate about. It is the path that no matter what you feel compelled to take, even when you feel or appear to be a long way from reaching or reaching your goals for a better life.

The right direction is where your Higher Self is leading you. It is, in part, about receiving Divine Guidance from Divine Source through your Angels, intuition or your instincts. It’s also about trusting the guidance and messages you receive.

There is something that is very important and needs to be shared and understood. Whatever you feel compelled to do, you must first become who you need to be, taking a step toward the fullest expression of who you are becoming in order to attract opportunity, customers, and prosperity and abundance in the form of financial wealth, stability, and security.

It seems that every time someone starts talking, writing, or referring to the energy of money, the “Unwritten Rule” of having to choose between being spiritually and financially rich creates a sense of discord in our conscious minds and in the core of our lives. heart.

It was exactly that way for me for more years than I care to remember or even admit. The truth is when we fight in some way for anything; our inner vibration is low, repelling our good, further delaying the fulfillment of our purpose.

When we lack nothing, when we know that we are unconditionally and fully supported and abundantly provided for, we are much more capable of fulfilling our purpose.

I ask the question again, who are you? Who do you need to be to start the life you are meant to live? Who do you need to become on the inside so that what manifests on the outside, in your life, in your business, in your bank accounts reflects who you are?

Take the time to figure out who you want to be, what you want to have, how much you want to earn AND what you want to do. How do you want to help people? What are you passionate about doing to help others? What would your life be like if you were living your dreams, sharing your gifts, skills, experience and knowledge with others?

It’s not about what you want…it’s about who you are inside. Work from the inside out and the outside will begin to reflect what’s inside.

If you’re not sure HOW to work from the inside out, becoming who you need to be to live the life of your dreams, making a difference in the world, I’d love to help you create a breakthrough.

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