Aliens Visiting Earth?

The question of “alien visits to Earth” is now considered valid and deserves further scientific study, according to Kevin Knuth, associate professor of physics at the University of Albany, State University of New York. He recently posted a June 28, 2018, article on The Conversation on this very topic. This question about extraterrestrial visitation stems […]

Mood control: food, neurotransmitters and calm recovery

You and I know that we cannot always control what happens in our lives, but we can control how we respond to them. However, what happens when you have a bad week, your perimenopause or premenstrual? Well, science might have an answer. Let me introduce you to the world of brain chemistry and a powerful […]

Second Chance apartments in San Diego for people with broken leases, bad credit or serious crimes

San Diego is a major California attraction and destination with thousands of unique visitors each year. These are drawn to the city by the pleasant climate and picturesque flowing beaches. The city is also a major commercial and transit center that links Mexico with the rest of California and the United States with billions of […]

Touch screen digitizer: symptoms and inexpensive replacements

If you have a touchscreen cell phone, be it an iPhone, iPad, or any other smartphone or pad, tablet, PDA, or even a monitor that has a touchscreen enabled and you suffer from any of the following symptoms, then you may need to replace the touch screen digitizer. Some symptoms of digitizer problems may include: […]

Baseball’s Mr. Average is future first ballot Hall of Famer

There is no official award in the sport of baseball, but if there is, the plaque should be presented in honor of Pat Meares. He spent his nine-year career as a regular shortstop for the Minnesota Twins and later the Pittsburgh Pirates, an unremarkable but fairly adequate infielder who was exactly average. At no time […]