The Detox Mania – The Master Cleanse

The Master Cleanse is one of the most widely used detox treatments out there. With the positive feedback it got from people who have tried and proven its effectiveness, plus the endorsement of public figures, we could really say that it is the new innovation in getting healthy and sexy!

We can’t deny the fact that the sagging is on the outside and the fit is on the inside. That is why there are so many people who would spend so much money on fitness programs and diets that would promise optimal results in such a short time, but then find them useless.

The Master Cleanse had earned its world-renowned debut when a book titled Lose Weight, Have More Energy and Be Happier in 10 Days by Peter Glickham reached modern audiences. Through this, people had started to recognize Master Cleanse as a weight loss program rather than a detox regimen.

The master cleanse was developed by Stanley Burroughs in the 1940s with the goal of resting the digestive tract, cleansing all systems of toxins, mobilizing and eliminating harmful substances that had been stored in different parts of the body, and burning fat stores extra. So we could clearly say that weight loss is a natural by-product of the detoxification process.

Those who would like to follow the program should prepare emotionally and physically because a definite challenge would soon be on the way.

The detox process, which lasts for a recommended 10 days, includes drinking lemonade juice made from lemon or lime juice, maple syrup, cayenne pepper, and water. No other food or drink should be taken during the process. That is a very strict rule. The only thing you can drink is plenty of water to avoid dehydration of the body. Lemonade juice has an acidic nature.

Due to the lack of fiber in the diet and to help the body expel these harmful toxins from the systems, laxative and relaxing teas should be taken during the regimen. A salt water rinse should also be performed once a day to cleanse the colon and aid in the production of bowel movements.

Some people had reported some side effects while on the regimen. These include headaches, nausea and vomiting, irritability, and cravings. But these symptoms disappear after a day or two.

Some of the good effects of the programs include losing weight, increasing energy, alleviating some chronic diseases, and increasing sexual stamina.

After the 10-day regimen, it is recommended that you start eating healthy foods and lead a healthier lifestyle to maintain the body you worked so hard for. There are no guarantees that it will remain in that state because some authorities say that it will recover what was lost in due time.

Therefore, be wise, be wise in health.

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