The uses of methionine

Methionine is an essential amino acid that also contains sulfur along with cysteine. It is primarily found in most protein food sources or is synthetically prepared as a dietary supplement. S-adenosylmethionine (SAM), a derivative of methionine, is a methyl donor that lowers homocysteine ​​levels and prevents coronary artery disease (CAD) and other cardiovascular risks. It is also an important source of dietary sulfur that the body requires for normal metabolism and growth. Not only that, it can also help in a more productive, creative and more enjoyable life.

Like any other amino acid, methionine can be found in protein-containing foods such as meat, fish, beans, eggs, sesame seeds, and cereals. Fruits, vegetables, and legumes also contain methionine, but only in trace amounts. Methionine is also available in supplement form. Intake of taurine, cysteine, and other sulfur-containing amino acids should also be included when taking methionine.

Methionine may also be used in the treatment of a condition called endometriosis, in which tissue similar to the lining of the uterus is found abnormally outside the uterus. It also helps in the breakdown of fats, thus preventing build-up in the liver and arteries, thus providing better blood flow to the brain, heart, and kidneys. It is also beneficial for people experiencing estrogen dominance, where the amount of estrogen is higher than that of progesterone. Methionine helps excrete excess estrogen from the liver. It also reduces the level of histamine which can cause the brain to transmit wrong messages to the body.

In fact, methionine also works as a great antioxidant. The sulfur it supplies inactivates free radicals that create great damage in the body. Some free radicals can cause clogged arteries, leukemia, and even cancer. Taking methionine helps detoxify and protect the body. In addition, it also helps detoxify harmful agents such as lead and other heavy metals.

According to the World Health Organization (WHO), the recommended daily intake of methionine is 13 mg per kg or one gram daily for adults. Methionine deficiency can cause dementia, apathy, edema, lethargy, liver damage, muscle loss, weakness, slow growth, and skin lesions. However, excessive methionine intake, along with B vitamin deficiencies, can cause a disease called atherosclerosis (hardening of the arteries) by increasing cholesterol and homocysteine ​​levels.

Methionine supplements should be taken by people with liver problems and Parkinson’s disease, conditions that generally require additional amounts of methionine in the patient’s body. It may also be beneficial for women taking birth control pills as it promotes the excretion of estrogen. People suffering from schizophrenia can also benefit from it. Before taking methionine or any other amino acid supplement, it is always recommended to speak with your doctor.

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