What is a Twinflame and do they really exist?

“… And when one of them meets the other half, the real half of himself, the couple is lost in a wonder of love, friendship and intimacy and one will not be out of sight of the other for a moment … Plato.

When we all split into our divine masculine and divine feminine halves eons ago, the soul and essence within us knew (and still knows) that the reunification of these energies in the future was inevitable as it was always part of the divine. . plan. After the original split took place, individual souls felt a longing and a powerful need to experience unity again, this feeling persists in each of us, our need for wholeness will always be present. Just being with our divine counterpart can stop this longing. As a result, we are always looking for our twin flame. What the soul really wants is its feeling of oneness with the divine essence from which it originally arose. This need for “First Intimacy” will not stop until it is fully achieved. We have all eternity for this to happen, but it will happen.

All relationships seem to be the basis of this search for perfect unity. The unions between men and women have been united in love and torn apart for thousands of years. However, if a deep spiritual union with our source can be established and maintained, the opportunities for great harmony, peace and wholeness become more and more achievable. Twin flame relationships foster the need to discover our true sense of spirituality and with only one guideline to follow … ‘Unconditional Love’. This powerful rule that animates and drives all twin flames can trivialize the need for dogma in anyone’s existence, because where there is true love you will not find fear.

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