What is spirituality? An opinion piece!

The Dictionary.com definition of spirituality is:

1. the quality or fact of being spiritual.
2. incorporeal or immaterial nature.
3. predominantly spiritual character as shown in thought, life, etc .; spiritual trend or tone.
4. Often spiritualities. property or income of the church or of an ecclesiastic in his official capacity.

The above definition only gives a small idea of ​​what spirituality is all about. It is a very personal and even private concept. Most people will spend hours talking about religion and will never say a word about their spirituality. There are many misconceptions about spirituality. Just because a person is religious does not mean that they are spiritual.

Since spirituality is a very personal idea, the definition is difficult to convey. Individually, a person can be spiritual by communicating with nature or helping the sick. It’s about what makes you feel closest to your higher power. Every religion has a spiritual component. Whether a connection is made or not is entirely up to those who believe in that deity.

On a personal level, I connect with my high power through the arts and crafts that I create. Every time I pick up a bead, wire or brush, I feel a sense of harmony with the world around me. Every time I finish a painting or a jewel, I feel a sense of tranquility and serenity. Every time a project comes to fruition, a sense of joy comes over me. This is my spirituality.

So, like any religion, I give the offerings of my spirituality to those I love or who show that they would appreciate the article. This sends my spirituality out into the world for others to see and enjoy. Seeing my jewelry being worn by a friend, neighbor, coworker, or family member makes my heart soar and my soul sing. This is the supreme spirituality, the sharing of oneself with others.

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