Which Mazdas are right for you?

There is no doubt that Mazdas are a great buy. With fuel efficiency, sleek design and outstanding technology built in, there’s something that’s right for just about everyone. However, there are also many options. It can seem a bit overwhelming when you get into that first vehicle and take a test drive. Is this the right one for you? Should you think of a different version? It’s a good idea to try a few and find out which one suits all your needs adequately.

basic cars

Mazdas come in various shapes and sizes. One of the most common options is the standard car. For the 2012 lineup, this manufacturer offers several key options for you to choose from, from price, features, and size. The Mazda2, Mazda3 5-Door, Mazda3 4-Door and Mazda6 are some of the options in this lineup. Each has a sleek looking body with outstanding aerodynamics built in. These vehicles vary slightly in size, but also in their general specifications.

sports cars

One of the specific types of vehicles this manufacturer is known for is the sports car line. When you want something that has plenty of power behind it and looks great on the road with you behind the wheel, then consider the 2012 options available. The MX-5 Miata is a soft-top option that many people love for its classic charm and appeal. You can also get the MX-5 Miata on a hard top if you don’t want the wind blowing through your hair. The MazdaSpeed3 is a final option. This one has more of a luxury feel, yet it has all the features and power you’d expect from a true sports car.

the crosses

For some, space is a big concern. If you have a family to take with you from place to place, for example, it’s a good idea to consider these larger vehicles. The Mazda5 is a perfect crossover to accommodate up to six people. The CX-5 is another option. A little sportier, this vehicle seats five people. However, for those who need even more space, check out the CX-9. It can handle up to seven people at a time.

Which of these is right for you? When considering all the Mazdas on the market, it can be natural to feel like you can’t pick just one. The best option is to choose the style you want and then take a few test drives to find out which vehicle suits your needs and lifestyle.

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