Why eat protein-rich foods? Protein foods are good for you

Protein-rich foods have managed to get a bad press in some diet and weight loss quarters. A diet high in protein and low in fat is often dismissed as not adequate for weight loss and maintenance of desired weight.

And why is that?

It’s not because protein foods are particularly bad for you, but simply because they go against the habits that many of us have developed throughout life. We tend to eat too many carbohydrates, too much saturated fat, and not enough lean protein. For lean protein, think low-fat dairy and lean cuts of meat instead of bacon and butter and full-fat cheese.

If you are the type of person who is determined to break long-term eating habits to achieve your weight loss goal, a high protein diet menu will go a long way in helping you lose fat and get in shape.

The key is to eat a high-protein, low-fat diet, not a high-protein, low-carb diet. You should have a moderate intake of carbohydrates in your regular daily diet. The trick is to shift the carbs mainly to the first part of the day. Breakfast, lunch, and mid-morning and afternoon snacks can contain a significant amount of complex carbohydrates.

Most of the carbohydrates you eat on a high-protein, moderate-carb diet won’t come from the tempting variety of simple carbohydrates. Consider a chocolate donut, but don’t be tempted to skip it and buy one for experimental purposes.

Complex carbohydrates are found in fruits, breads and cereals that you will learn to love because they will help you lose excess fat.

Your nightly meal should consist of a decent portion of protein-rich foods. Meat, fish, eggs, and vegetables are good options. Pair your protein serving with salad or steamed vegetables and follow this meal a little later in the evening with a healthy snack.

A tub of low-fat cottage cheese with a bit of fruit would be ideal.

Yes, I know, there are indeed a lot of carbohydrates in fruits, but choose high-fiber fruits and your carbohydrates will be absorbed more slowly and will not be stored by your smart body as easily as fat stores.

Protein-rich foods are essential for good health. Named by the ancient Greeks for its “primary importance,” protein is responsible for the growth and repair of muscle and tissue. Inhibits infections and diseases.

If you don’t eat enough protein, your body will start to shut down its essential functions. This is a great argument against underestimating protein.

The best thing about a high-protein, low-fat diet is that these high-protein foods keep you feeling full longer, give you plenty of energy in the long run, boost your metabolism, and fight food cravings.

Wait, that’s 4 things! You really have to love some protein.

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