Boost Fat Loss With Boot Camps

Do you constantly find yourself wanting to exercise but rarely succeed? Do you plan your workout in advance but have trouble sticking with it? Is your body seeing the results you want?

The UK is catching up with the American trend of fitness boot camps. Specialized boot camps, especially for women, are increasing exponentially because they address the specific issues mentioned above. They round up the women and make them work harder than they would on their own. The social aspect of a group fitness class can drive women more than a one-on-one personal training experience. The combination of cardio and resistance training circuit training with weights combines the best of both worlds. Start fat loss by keeping your heart rate up while steadily building muscle for an hour to two hours. Here are some tricks of the trade to find a boot camp that guarantees results.

Time is important. Find a studio that hosts morning boot camps before work. Need something to cure the Monday morning blues? Running through a training circuit early in the morning will send your endorphins soaring throughout the day. This makes you feel psychologically energized, but it also boosts your metabolism throughout the morning and revs up your body’s natural ability to burn calories.

Meeting new people with similar goals and problems is an unspoken social benefit of boot camp. In a class of 10-15 people, everyone works together, shares equipment, and feels the burn together creating an element of cohesion. You won’t get this by going to a gym and doing weights or a treadmill for an hour where everyone is working out on their own timeline with their iPod inside. Local boot camps will help you meet new people.

Boot camp workouts may just be the trick to breaking through your doldrums and kicking off the new year. You lose all the shots you don’t take.

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