Overlooked Details When Hiring a Family Law Attorney


Find a family law attorney who specializes in high conflict custody cases, preferably with knowledge of Parental Alienation

Parental Alienation: When one parent encourages the child to reject the other parent and discourages their relationship.

Verify that the attorney you are considering is licensed to practice law, has a good track record, and is reputable. Interested in resolving the conflict amicably and not prolonging it with opposing tactics. A good indication is the preference for the right of collaboration over litigation.

Collaborative Law: Both parties and their attorneys agree to use a binding contract to use cooperative strategies to reach an agreement. When a settlement cannot be reached and it goes to litigation, the attorneys agree to withdraw from the case and not further assist either party.

Judges don’t like tactics that promote adversity instead of resolution. and it can get in the way of your involvement with your children by influencing your decision. What they want is the finality of the case.

Working with Lawyer

Be honest with the attorney you hire. This includes disclosing what reflects negatively on you. Remember that he is not there to judge you, but to represent you to the best of his ability. If he doesn’t tell you completely, he will prevent you from representing him effectively. When the opposition brings up the negatives, they will have to defend you instead of proactively withholding your involvement with your children. Don’t let your pride or shame get in the way of being with your children.

Minor detail often overlooked

Ask prospective attorneys for their license to practice law in your jurisdiction. I was criticized for overlooking this costly detail.

Waiting anxiously for my attorney as I sat in the gallery, the judge announced my file number. I had desperately tried to call him from the lobby earlier when he didn’t show up to meet me before the hearing to review my case.

As I stand at the defendants table, my ex-wife’s attorney says that she represents my ex and her presence is for the record. they smile at me Feeling vulnerable, I tell the judge that my lawyer is not present, but I hope he will be here shortly.

“Do you know why he’s late?” She asked.

“I called and left him a message, but haven’t heard from him.” I replied.

“Do you know if he is aware that there is a hearing today?”

“Yes, yesterday we made arrangements to meet in the lobby before the hearing.”

My ex’s attorney interrupts and asks the judge to order me to produce my attorney’s contact information and orders me to do as requested.

I start to panic, my mind spinning with unanswered questions. What’s going on? Where the hell is he? To do…?

At the same time, they bombard me with their unanswered questions. Why is he not present? How did you come to obtain your services?

Before I can regain my footing, my ex’s lawyer heads to court. “Your Honor, I looked up Defendant’s attorney in the State Bar registry and found no record of him. I also believe Defendant hired him knowing he was not licensed to practice law. Therefore, we ask that you be held in contempt of court and serve jail time to the fullest extent of the law.”

“Request denied and ordered a continuance.”

Fortunately, the judge saw through their ploy and recognized that I had been scammed.

Hiring this scammer could have landed me in jail. Plus, it cost me money, time, and delayed engagement with my kids. If I had asked for his license to practice law, I would have been saved from this ordeal. Pay attention to the little details.

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