The 3 Biggest Investments – Understanding the 3 Biggest Investments You’ll Ever Make

There are thousands of ways to invest and I encourage you to consider researching each and every one of them and maybe even investing in most of them. The reason is that, most of the time, you can’t go wrong when investing. This is a review of the three biggest investments most people will make in their lifetime.

1. Mortgage – This is more than likely the most substantial investment you have ever made! We are talking about an investment of 30K more. That being said, slow down! Once you’re ready to buy your first home, I understand that the excitement is very real. However, nothing is less exciting than being evicted and going back to live with your parents. So take careful notes and order your ducks before you make this investment. As many finance gurus have said time and time again, when investing in a home, be the tortoise, not the hare! You’ll thank yourself later!

2. Education – With student loans skyrocketing out of controllable environments, this may very well end up taking the place as the number one investment in a few years. Universities want every penny and your soul in exchange for a “remarkable” education. Unfortunately, most people are not in a position to argue. We need this education to get a decent job and let’s do what we have to do for a living wage. Once again, be the turtle! Do the research, the workshops, the footwork and all the good stuff to make the loan as low as possible and then do the math. If you can’t repay your loan after 10 years of employment for the career you went to college for, I would tell you to go ahead and leave.

3. Income – Let’s be honest, your day job will likely never pay you to your satisfaction. I’ve seen business entrepreneurs and members of the middle class get part-time jobs simply because they wanted to get that new boat or car a little faster. Even working in fast food requires an investment of some kind. You’re not even allowed in the back room to flip burgers unless you’ve invested $100 in new pants and slip resistant footwear. Find an investment that will substantially increase your income! I personally wouldn’t waste my time for minimum wage. Generally speaking, the higher the investment, the higher the return on investment.

In the realm of long-term investing, fear will cost you more money than anything else! Make sure you’re properly informed and have your ducks in a row, and then get that mortgage, that education, and that increased income with confidence!

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