Vision boards: do they really work?

So what the heck is a vision board and why would you use it? If you’ve ever seen the hit movie The Secret, you know exactly what I’m talking about.

A vision board is a collage of photos and images of things in your life that you want to achieve or acquire. Anything from a materialistic item like a house or car, to a certain body type or charitable contribution.

A vision board is designed for all areas of your life. Career, finances, spirituality, relationships, physical health, mental health, and contribution. Start looking for pictures or photos of all areas of your life to get the complete picture. A vision of your life that is so clear that you can have pictures on your vision board of everything you want to create and acquire.

1. The law of attraction

One thing I know for sure is that the Law of Attraction is ALWAYS working! The vision boards really propel the LOA into high gear. When you focus on images of the things you want in your life, you begin to attract those exact things into your life. So if it is a specific car that you intend to drive, you will start to see that car everywhere! Not only that, you will start meeting people and will be presented with opportunities to earn the income you need to buy that car.

The law of attraction is also known as the law of resonance. Whatever energy you resonate with, it will resonate with you. I like attracts like. Vision boards work because you start to focus on what you want in your life compared to what you don’t want.

2. Emotion makes it possible

Emotion is the key when manifesting anything! The reason vision boards are so powerful is because they stir up a lot of emotion in your soul. It is the excitement and energy that surround achieving those goals and achieving something that means a lot to you.

If you divide the word emotion, it means “energy in motion.” Vision boards work because you’re creating a lot of excitement just by looking at a visual representation of what you want to purchase. There is a gap, from where you are currently in your life and you want to fill that gap. The more excitement surrounds you, the faster you will fill that void.

Emotion is the fuel you need to propel your life’s goals and dreams into action. I have spoken with so many people who have manifested amazing accomplishments through their vision boards. An important common factor among all of them is that they all had a deep and passionate sense of excitement for what they wanted to achieve.

3. Your brain is very literal

Whatever you think about the most you will become. When I first heard this I was 14 years old. I was so scared of becoming a girl … just kidding!

However, it is true. Yours and mine is EXTREMELY literal. If you say, I think my headache is disappearing, your brain is focusing on your headache! All kinds of chemicals are released into our body with the surge of an emotion. When you focus on not having a headache, the chemicals in your body that cause the headache are released into your bloodstream. This is why it is so important to focus on what you want.

Our brains are AMAZING tools and the most advanced software you’ve ever experienced. You will also accept direct orders in no time without consulting your will. You can literally change the way you feel and think in the blink of an eye. This is why people can see and feel a difference in themselves just by looking at their vision board. Those chemicals are released within seconds of seeing those images that create such joyous feelings.

Visual representations of what we want are absolutely PERFECT for speeding up the time it takes you to manifest your goals. Why do you ask? This is how our brain sees the physical world. Our brains literally see images on the screens of our minds, one image at a time. This is why bombarding your brain with visual images like a vision board allows your brain to search and find matches in the physical world.

4. Creating your future

It’s hard enough to be upset about where you currently are when you have a clear vision of where you are going. Vision boards are a great way to GET EXCITED about your future! Most people look at their current results and say this is what I have, so this is what I can do. A vision board or a dream board is just that. It’s about dreaming what you REALLY want to achieve in your life.

Don’t allow yourself to get bogged down with the results of your current life. That is an effect of what you have been thinking and doing for the past two weeks. Get started creating your future with your vision board. Lay out everything you really want to achieve in the days, months, or years to come. Everything is possible to achieve in your life, allow yourself to DREAM BIG!

A vision board works because it stops you from thinking about what it is and allows you to think about what it can be. This is why so many people have been able to change their lives (including me) simply by starting with a dream. You don’t have to wait for someone to change the future for you … you already possess that power right now.

5. Faith is the absence of facts

Without faith what do you need? The facts. If you don’t know the facts, most people turn to fear. After creating a vision board, a common attribute among many quick protesters is absolute faith. Whatever your highest faith, you must truly TRUST that your goals, ambitions, and desires are already beginning to manifest. This is absolutely KEY!

It comes from a feeling of knowing. Being able to release intention without waiting or expecting something based on your timeline. Everything happens in the most perfect order and harmony at all times. It is absolutely beautiful! The key is to remember to have complete confidence and faith and continue to move forward with the correct action steps.

Did you notice that I said action? Yes, it is vitally important to remember that a vision board is only the beginning, you still need to take the necessary steps to achieve what you want in your life. Many more opportunities and circumstances will present themselves to you, BUT you must take action to seize those opportunities. Yes, it can be scary, but have faith and everything will unfold wonderfully.

For your success,
–Ryan Yokome

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